Christmastime is here…

To give credit to our sweet Julianna, she is now sleeping in 3 hour blocks at night. We couldn’t resist, however, and captured Julianna in one of her finer moments. This shot was taken Christmas Eve. The shirt reads “All mommy wants for Christmas is a silent night.”

Unto us a child is born

This week has certainly been a journey. As many of you know we made plans to induce Julianna in consideration of mommy and baby’s safety. We first checked into the hospital on Monday evening and, after 24 hours of medically-induced contractions with no progression, determined it would be best to go home empty handed, rest, and return to the hospital later in the week. On Thursday night we began another marathon effort of bringing Julianna into our arms. This 36 hour rush of contractions climaxed Saturday morning. After about an hour of pushing, Julianna came into our world at 9:51 Continue Reading …

Will vs. May

In one hour we leave for the hospital. We check in at 8:30 p.m. and they start the induction again. In the morning, well, who knows? The only thing we know right now is that from our first attempt to this second one, we’ve learned some important lessons, of which we’ll highlight one. Continue Reading …

Delivering Julianna – First Attempt

Hey everyone- here’s the story of our first attempt to deliver our sweet baby girl: We went in Monday night as planned. I was given Cervidil to try to dilate me. I didn’t dilate, so they started Pitocin about 6:30 a.m. to see if that would work. At 10:30 a.m. I still wasn’t responding to Pitocin. Dr. Reed decided it was time to try something different. She started Cytotec and it began to work. I had contractions for the rest of the day–good strong ones at times–but at 6:00 p.m. when they checked me again, I was still at 1 Continue Reading …